I’ve just rebuilt this site YET AGAIN. I’m not super stoked on Sparkle, it’s driving me to drink.  I’m struggling with gallery labels and the phone version so for now,  this site is desktop only. 

This gallery 

is a small sample of work that I’ve done for various clients and employers. 

The goal is to highlight recent/relevant work and show different types of projects. These are more "fun" projects than higher level corporate stuff. 

Design Portfolio Gallery

A Stearns ad for the Federal Buyers Guide. If you are working on an aircraft carrier, Coast Guard cutter or Alaskan crab boat, chances are that you're wearing a Stearns PFD.

UTV Sports Cover Jan. ’24.

Stearns 2013 Military and First Responder Catalog (24 pages). This is one of my favorite covers.
I built 15+ catalogs for Coleman, I learned a lot on each one and they all got progressively better.


AeroBed 2013 Catalog (16 pages). Airbeds aren't the most captivating subject matter, so attractive models don't hurt a bit.

Shirt graphic for a local restaurant fundraiser during covid. 

This is the digital file.

Photo of the final shirt.

2013 Coleman catalog (124 pages). The catalogs took many weeks and many late nights but I enjoyed doing them.

Stearns Professional Mariner print ad.

UTVSports Cover

UTVSports Cover. Also, see the process behind adding the storm to the cover in the “retouching” section.

Ironwood Construction Logo

Ironwood Construction business cards. After unsuccessfully pitching gold leaf on  business cards (for decades at this point) it was Ironwood who said “hell yeah!” and they look great.


Ironwood Construction business cards

Feature image for UTVSportsmag.com post

A massive (20' x 6') Coleman Billboard for the Wichita Airport. I liked the version with the classic stainless steel cooler but as it's an ad, a new (at the time) model was used. The red backgrounds were the hardest part of this, it was surprisingly difficult to make it look just right for the size it is going to be. Also, please see the photo correction in the retouching area.

Probably not really portfolio material but it was a fun project. 

Raffanero product lineup.

Calling cards for my friend Eddie.

New logo for Mohave County AZ ED&T. This was definitely a collaborative effort with my boss Keith Hook. I had nothing great but we pulled together some ideas and the clients loved it. 

Brand guidelines I created for the new Mohave County Economic Development & Tourism logo.

Coleman print ad for Wichita Business Images magazine .

BodyLab FB ad

Label 22

UTVSports Mag Cover. I usually do many, many versions before I decide on the final. 

UTVSports Mag Cover 

William Wallace Skates!  Print flyer for a friends event.

Stearns print ad

Stearns print ad

Label 28

DiningOut magazine (print) spread.

DiningOut magazine print spread (Seattle).

Coleman Canada print ad (with the requisite French version). 

Stearns water rec. catalog.

Dual Stearns/Sevylor 2014 Water Recreation Catalog. 

Stearns print ad

UTV Sports 2022 Media Guide

UTV Sports 2022 Media Guide opening spread.

Dual Stearns/Sevylor 2014 Water Recreation Catalog. 

Dual Stearns/Sevylor 2014 Water Recreation Catalog. 

Here is some photo retouching work. 

It varies from simple recoloring to more extensive, color-crucial projects. 

Some of the work is for the product packaging, so color matching was critical. I had to change existing tents to match the factory-provided, sample cloth color.

(All of the provided examples pre-date Photoshop’s AI assistance).

Captain Keith Colburn before image


Captain Keith Colburn after image























Coleman produch shot (original)


Coleman produch shot (corrected)


Coleman produch shot (final ad)


Coleman Stove (before)


Coleman Stove (after)


Coloring Book Illustration

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Dave Minnery Illustration

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Label 20

Illustration work, 

I really enjoy the process of turning rough sketches into complete vector images.

Production isn’t glamorous, but it’s crucial. What’s the use in designing something that can’t be produced (and reproduced) correctly, on time and budget?  I've been a production artist at a few great Denver agencies and learned quite a bit. This is a small sample of some of the accounts I’ve worked with/on. 

Production work gallery

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Production - This is another test.

Label 16

Dave Minnery is a Graphic Artist and Designer. Since graduating from the Art Institute of Colorado in 2002, he's worked with a large number of clients and brands across several prominent Denver ad agencies, manufacturing companies and other organizations. He currently lives in Lake Havasu City, AZ. 

When not working, he enjoys learning new skills, swimming in the lake, drawing, reading, writing, music, skateboarding and (fast) vintage Vespa scooters.

Feel like chatting? Let's do: email me or call me.